Monday, November 28, 2011


I think one of the most important part of worship service in church is the communion. Yet it is the least rehearsed part of worship. Once a year, once a month, every week?
And when we do have the communion, too often, it is a sad, or very weak service. I went to one where, though they went up to the table, the participants looked…well…introverted, plain faced, dead. Then they took their cup (small plastic) and piece of bread and went back to their seats and sat in self contemplation. At best. Facing forward to the front of the sanctuary, not towards one another.

Then I went to some where the participants were happy, joyfully going to the table, picking up the elements, then stand in a large circle and prayed, and then while smiling at each other, took the communion in a very community way. Together.

How we conduct our church services (God’s church service…sorry about that slip) makes a difference in how we are connected as one building, one church, one community, one where God wants to stay and lead the way.

When I conduct communion services to a group that is mixed (denominational), I remind them of the unity we all have in common, Jesus Christ.  It is Jesus' table. Not the Baptists, not the Catholics, not the Methodists, not the Episcopalians, not the many varieties of the Church of Gods,  not mine, not theirs. It is Jesus' table. Jesus invited humanity to share with one another, not to take it individually in our own little world and own little way.

Communion is the most blatant way of showing inclusion and love for a broken people.

Lets share with one another the communion and love God has shared with humanity.

Boyd Merriman Signature
Boyd Merriman

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  1. Well Written and Gospel to the max! Keep it coming!

  2. Thanks Boyd...we did that just recently being a a group circle ; just happened spontaneously was awesome...felt just right...Iris

  3. Thats fantastic! God's spirit works with us in these spontaneous ways, and it is always just right!

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