Gwin (my wife) and I spoke at a small group recently, and the theme was Freedom in Christ.
One of the freedoms Gwin discussed was "freedom from sin" or "freedom to not sin". That second one sounds a little strange since God told us to not sin in the first place. So how can freedom to not sin be an option?
Sin, once it entered into the world, into man, was stuck there until Christ. All the sacrifices and law (Torah) keeping and such, will not do us a bit of good outside of our relationship in the Trinity. Sin has kept us prisoners and any attempt to do otherwise will only cause us to be "sinless" outside of God (Trinity). And any attempt at that is a sin.
Yes. That is a sin. Sin is living our lives outside of who and what we are as God created us. Once man chose that path, all that he does is tainted with sin. Our works are tainted with sin, our prayers, our fastings, our sacrifices and traditions are all tainted with sin. Even our repentance has a sin attached to it like a virus or a "Trojan horse" in an email.
The story of what we call "The Prodigal Son" (though the story was about the Father) showed our sinful state inside the repentance. The young man didn't truly repent until after he met up again with the Father. The son went back because though he knew he did wrong, came back because he could get three meals a day, a clean place to live and a bath once in a while! Think about this: If he had these things while slopping hogs, would he have really returned? Maybe, maybe not. Most likely not. His "repentance" was to get him into a better place. But he still would have accepted the position of a servant and relinquished his right as a son! But the Father would not have that! He did not even hear his request, his prayer (ever feel like God is not hearing your prayer?) He grabbed his son while his son was trying to give his little penance of a prayer, again, tainted with more sin of being other than who he is, and grabbed him in his filthy, dirty, pig smelling state and thew his own coat of authority as well as the family ring of authority on him and demanded a party for him! THAT is what this story is all about! It's about the Father and how MUCH he Love us! How much He LOVES YOU!!!
The young man lived in sin because that is what he was in Adam! How could he be otherwise?
BUT....that was BEFORE Christ. What Churches today don't get is that Christ forgave that Sin of Adam, man. He took humanity BACK into the realm of his Kingdom and righteousness "while we were yet sinners", or slopping hogs so to speak. That doesn't mean we don't sin, nor does it mean we don't need to repent. Of course we do. But NOW...we have an opportunity to live righteous lives, NOT because we did good stuff and God forgave us when we did these good works, but because of JESUS (Yeshua) who gave himself for our sins! We are no longer stuck in the post Adamic/pre Christ world of Sin. We are freed from that prison! Death no longer has us in it's grip unless we allow it! We are freed from that Sin of Adam!
The belief and repentance factor comes in when we realize that and come to understand our freedom to live and rejoice inside the Trinity! To dance in the Trinity. Just as the young man who came home didn't fully know the Father or what he would do until the Father showed him and took him unto himself. That was when repentance had it's full affect! Forgiveness was there before the young man repented (while we were still in our sins)! We come to the Father, not because we did good stuff to get there, but because of the goodness of Jesus Christ that brought us to repentance before the Father in His train of glory!
But if you don't believe, you will still be in the trinity, but miserable because you insist on trying to be someone you are not. Like being at a wedding party and refusing to enjoy it because you hate the groom! You are still at the party, you are still free to choose either to rejoice or to be miserable. Or it's like being in prison, or hell itself, and refusing to come out. You lock the gates of hell from the inside.
You have FREEDOM, not TO sin, but to actually NOT sin! Before, in Adam, you had no choice. No matter what you did, you were a sinner, you were under the curse of Adam, under the law, the curse of the Law. But NOW, in the Second Adam, Jesus Christ, you are FREE from that curse, you are FREE from that world of Adamic Sin, you are FREE to actually live a life of no sin! Why? Because of the works of Jesus, not our good works!
Rejoice in the LORD, Rejoice because you ARE in freedom of the LORD!
Blessings and Freedom to all!
Boyd Merriman |
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Great post, Boyd! Saw your comment on Baxter's blog. The Gospel allows us to relate to one another in Joy because we truly have been united to one another in Jesus, doesn't it?! All blessings to you and your wife.
Big Sandy,TX