Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's NOW OFFICIAL!! WE are IN!!!!

It’s after Christmas, but it’s still on my mind. Not the bills, or the stuff we gave to our little girl while she still plays with her old stuff.

I’m talking about Christ.  The reason for the season. And I’m talking about us, the reason he came.

When a son is born into a Jewish family, they are required on the eighth day to take him to the Jewish priest or Rabi, and present him.  Of course, circumcision was a part of it too, but we’ll not talk about that. That’s the “subject to be avoided” for now.

What I am talking about is how Mary and her husband carried their son to the priest.

Now it’s interesting that apart from “the subject to be avoided”, he really did nothing to participate except to be carried in, and probably screaming after that “subject to be avoided” episode.  His participation is strictly to be carried in, not knowing what is happening, or why, or where. All the events he went through was not something he remembered any more than you remember your eighth day, whatever it was you did or was done to you.  The important thing is, it was done to him, and he was accepted and lived among his people as one of them. After the ceremony, he is official, he is “in”.

I’m sure Jesus, when he presented himself to the Father after his resurrection and ascension, carried humanity as well, to be presented to the Father.  We don’t remember it. We just read about it.  We don’t always understand why, or the pain we must have gone through in our “subjects to be avoided” in life. It happened to us and for us.  Whatever it was that the holy Trinity did, we were carried there, presented and we are accepted.

It is now official! We are in!
Boyd Merriman

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